PMC MDCAT MCQs Bank For 2024

PMC Practice Test Bank 2022 by Pakiology is the most comprehensive online MCQs bank and study guide in Pakistan. It has been created to help you with your studies in your preparation for PMC exams as well as other medical exams like MDCAT, NUMS etc. It contains over 5,000+ MCQs in total. All questions are categorized according to their respective chapters of the PMC syllabus so that you can go through them easily.






Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC)

When it comes to career development, there are many paths to take. One such path is the PMC MCQS book for MDCAT Preparation. If you’re looking for a way to jump-start your career, a qualification from the Pakistan Medical Commission can be the perfect fit. The newly released PMC MCQs book for MDCAT Preparation is an excellent choice that will help you prepare for your upcoming exams.

Pakiology offers this MCQS bank with detailed explanations and illustrations so that anyone, no matter their background or expertise, can pass the exam and get on their way to a successful medical career.


PMC MCQs Bank 2022

The Pakiology PMC Mcqs Book For MDCAT Preparation is an excellent  MCQs bank for those looking to prepare for the PMC part of the MDCAT. Not only does it contain over 5,000 questions with detailed answers, but it also features a scoring system that helps you stay on track as you make your way through. All in all, this is a great tool to help anyone succeed on the PMC portion of the MDCAT.



Benefits of Using This MCQs Bank

Pakiology has been an immensely helpful resource in preparing for the MDCAT as it provides a bank of questions with answers and explanations. Being able to study at your own pace is a huge benefit of the question bank as you can either go through all the questions at once or spend time reading about each question individually. It has been more than helpful for those who may have less time on their hands but still want to be adequately prepared before their exam date.


PMC Biology Chapter-wise MCQs

The PMC Biology Chapter-wise MCQs by Pakiology are written for people who want to study. The chapters covered include Bio-diversity, Cell Biology, General Genetics, Animal Cells and Biological Molecules. The quiz bank provides 150-200 questions on each chapter in the form of multiple choice questions (MCQ). It also has hints that provide explanations for some answers. There is also a review feature that enables you to test your knowledge by going through the questions without the aid of hints or solution keys.

Biology ChapterTotal MCQsLink
Bio-diversity (acellular life/variety of life)159Start
Biological molecules132Start
Cell structure and function168Start
Coordination and control/nervous & chemical coordination168Start
Diversity among animals173Start
Life process in animals and plants (nutrition/gaseous exchange/ transport)155Start
Support and movement128Start
Variation and genetics/inheritance118Start



PMC Chemistry Chapter wise MCQs

Pakiology is a one-stop solution for all your MDCAT preparations. We make life simple by categorizing tests, answers and questions in one place.  We also give detailed explanations for each answer to make sure that you get the right question wrong or you get the right question right. In this post, we’ve given an example of PMC Chapter-wise MCQs which will help you understand what topics are being tested.


Chemistry ChapterTotal MCQsLink
Introduction to fundamental concepts of chemistry76Start
Atomic structure74Start
LiquidsComing Soon
SolidsComing Soon
Chemical equilibriumComing Soon
Reaction kineticsComing Soon
Thermo-chemistry and energetics of chemical reactionsComing Soon
ElectrochemistryComing Soon
Chemical bondingComing Soon
S and p block elementsComing Soon
Transition elementsComing Soon
Fundamental principles of organic chemistryComing Soon
Chemistry of hydrocarbonsComing Soon
Alkyl halidesComing Soon
Alcohols and phenolsComing Soon
Aldehydes and ketonesComing Soon
Carboxylic acidsComing Soon
MacromoleculesComing Soon


PMC Physics Chapter wise MCQs

PMC Physics chapter-wise MCQs help you to study more efficiently by giving you multiple opportunities in a week. Plus, the format of the questions is always different, which is both exciting and challenging. The app also has other features like auto-marking when you’ve answered all questions correctly, a timer that tells you how much time is left for each question, graphs and tables with common formulas, synonyms for difficult words etc. And there are thousands of people around the world who have used this app to prepare for their MDCAT exam as well!

Physics ChapterTotal MCQsLink
Force and motionComing Soon
Work and energyComing Soon
Rotational and circular motionComing Soon
WavesComing Soon
ThermodynamicsComing Soon
ElectrostaticsComing Soon
Current electricityComing Soon
ElectromagnetismComing Soon
Electromagnetic inductionComing Soon
ElectronicsComing Soon
Dawn of modern physicsComing Soon
Atomic spectraComing Soon
Nuclear physicsComing Soon


PMC English MCQs

If you want to take the PMC English test soon and need some past question papers, then we have them here. If you need help understanding how to answer the questions, we have got a guide for that too. Head over and check it out!

English TopicTotal MCQsLink
NounsComing Soon
PronounsComing Soon
AdjectivesComing Soon
ArticlesComing Soon
ThermodynamicsComing Soon
VerbsComing Soon
AdverbsComing Soon
PrepositionsComing Soon
ConjunctionsComing Soon
PunctuationsComing Soon
SynonymsComing Soon
AntonymsComing Soon
Sentence CompletionComing Soon
SpellingsComing Soon



PMC Logical MCQs

1. Preparing with PMC questions helps in knowing the concepts of a subject before appearing for exams.

2. Questions in this bank are on more topics than in other banks, thus increasing the understanding and knowledge about the subject area which is easier to clear the MDCAT 2021-22 easily.

3. The MCQs provided in this bank will give an accurate preparation for AMCAT 2020-21 and MDCAT 2021-22

Logical Reasoning TopicTotal MCQsLink
Critical thinkingComing Soon
Letter and symbol seriesComing Soon
AdjectivesComing Soon
Logical problemsComing Soon
Course of actionComing Soon
Cause & effectComing Soon