PMC MDCAT MCQs On Atomic Structure

by | Jan 16, 2025 | MCQs, MDCAT | 1 comment

An atom is the smallest particle of an element that still has all of its characteristic properties, such as charge, mass, and chemical properties. Atoms can be formed into molecules or combined with other atoms to form ions or molecules with new or different properties. This PMC MDCAT MCQs on Atomic Structure was written to help you get accustomed to the terminology used by these questions and give you an idea of what to expect when it comes time for you to take the test!

MCQs On Atomic Structure
MCQs On Atomic Structure



Atomic Structure

An atom is made up of three parts; electrons, protons, and neutrons. Electrons circle around the nucleus, which contains a proton and neutron. The number of protons in an atom determines what element it is. There are also different types of shells that electrons can be in. Shells are divided into s, p, d and f orbitals depending on how tightly they hold onto the electron. Each shell has its own energy level, meaning electrons will jump from lower-energy orbitals to higher-energy orbitals as they need more space. The following topics of atomic structure have been covered in these MCQs.


Concept of orbital’s

The electrons in an atom occupy various orbits or energy levels. The atomic orbitals are classified into two types, s and p. The different types of atomic orbitals are distinguished by their shape, with the s-orbitals being spherical, and the p-orbitals being more dumbbell-shaped. Electrons in atomic orbitals have angular momentum, quantified by a quantum number known as its principal quantum number (n). Electrons with higher n have lower energy levels, while those with lower n have higher ones.


Electronic configuration

The periodic table organizes elements into groups based on their atomic numbers. Elements with lower atomic numbers are found in the left-hand column, while those with higher numbers are found in the right-hand column. In this example, carbon has an atomic number of 6 and is located in the far left column of the periodic table. Hydrogen has an atomic number of 1 and is found directly below helium at 2.


Quantum numbers

The quantum number determines which orbital an electron is found in. For example, the first quantum number describes how far away from the nucleus an electron is, and therefore determines what shape it has. The second quantum number tells us how many electrons are in a shell and how strong their pull is on another electron. Finally, the third quantum number tells us how fast or slow an electron is moving within its orbit.


Shapes of orbital’s

An electron orbital is a region of space in which an electron can be most stable. Electron orbitals are described by their shape, size, and orientation in relation to other orbitals. There are seven types of electron orbitals; s, p, d, f, g, h and i.


MCQs On Atomic Structure

These MCQs are prepared from the PMC Chemistry chapter of Atomic Structure.

Chapter: Atomic Structure

Total MCQs: 74

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1 Comment

  1. Ghufran



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